Our goal is to work accident-free.
Safety is a culture that is critical to both the success of a company and the individual quality of life for our employees.
Our 2018 EMR Rating is .079
Constant communication and continued training with a culture of zero tolerance helps to achieve this goal. From top management to entry-level employees; the entire company is committed and focuses daily as a team, to keep all workers and work-sites safe.
Job Start-up and Site Inspections
As soon as a job is scheduled, the superintendent and foreman meet to discuss accident prevention. Job-site conditions are examined and any danger spots are pointed out. Foremen make regular inspections of the site looking for any accident-prone locations. AMI Management , the Company Safety Officer and the Foreman Perform Job Hazard Analysis on New and Long term Projects and or Tasks.
Safety Officer
The Company’s Safety Officer Keith Prendergast is OSHA 500 Trained with over Ten years of Teaching Safety Courses for the JATC. He has day to day interaction and communication with all employees enforcing the Safety policies, while keeping them updated with new certifications, rules and regulations.
On a regular schedule Keith attends OSHA and safety seminars to be certain that work procedures and the safety manual incorporate the latest data concerning safety. Training also includes sessions for all company personnel held at least twice a year. Training of journeymen is an ongoing process in the field, as they observe and use protective items, instruments, the safety manual, safety checklists, etc.
Supervisor/Foreman Meetings
Supervisors and foremen discuss safety data, experiences, accidents, and/or problems in detail at quarterly meetings. Their objective is to increase safety and reduce accidents. These meetings accomplish much the same as the job start-up and site inspection procedures do.
Tool-Box Meetings
At each job site, a ten-min. meeting is held by the project supervisor or job foreman each week. Accidents or near accidents are reviewed and actions to prevent recurrence are discussed. Everyone is encouraged to contribute ideas that would enhance work safety.
Accident Investigation
When accidents happen, the Safety Management Team performs a full investigation, obtains all facts, details, and possible causes, and then takes suitable action to prevent recurrence. The team uses a thorough accident investigation procedure to assure a meticulous inquiry. The procedure investigates sequence of actions, condition of protective equipment, if they were used properly, etc. The job foreman is responsible for assignment of men who are trained or competent for each kind of work. A comprehensive questioning guide is used and an accident report must be filled out and sent to top management.
Safety Manual
The company’s (16 Section) safety manual is a mainstay of the safety plan. It covers all common safety situations and provides guidance for essentially any safety circumstance that might exist. For example, chapters in the manual discuss OSHA regulations, accident investigation procedures, first aid, training, fire prevention and control, lockout and tag-out procedures, ground-fault protection on construction sites, just to name a few.
PPE Protective Equipment, Tools & Test Instruments
A.Murphy Inc has implemented a 100% Head and Eye Protection Policy with mandatory use of Hard Hat and Safety Glasses on all Construction Projects. All protective items are listed on a main index, logged out to job sites, and tested as required upon return and/or on a schedule. Typical equipment includes hard hats, hearing protection, glasses, face shields, respiratory equipment, first-aid kits, ladders, scaffolds, power tools, test instruments, rubber blankets, gloves, and high-voltage testers.
Method of Procedures (MOP)
An MOP is a detailed scope outline of shutdown tasks and safety checks. Specific times and durations of each task are outlined in detail. MOP’s are distributed to all team members from the client to the safety officer and inspectors to ensure full communication. Lockout/ tag-out for de-energization and re-energization procedures are the major focus of each MOP.